All personally textured apart from basket (VisualAct)
For the cushions and the duvet/covers, which were the hardest part about the project, I used a thin cube and created a ncloth affect in the FX sub bar, With this I then, in the attribute editor turned the pressure up and turned the gravity off making sure I had plenty of frames in the playback and made sure I was on frame one. Next I pressed play and paused the bar at the point I wanted each pillow duplicating the original each time and played the bar again to get a new shape so there is some variation. However the duvet was slightly more difficult as I also had to make it fall onto the bed. I did this by creating a gravity field and putting a passive collider on the mattress then creating an ncloth on the flat duvet. I then added some friction and pressed play until it collided with mattress and paused the bar where I wanted it. Next I duplicated it to create a poly without the FX and used the vertex soft selection tool which is B to create ripples and edit the overall shape to how I wanted the sheets to look.
To create the blind I used a cube to create one piece of the blind at the angle I wanted and then I pressed control D to duplicate it and then moved the duplication to the distance away from the original to create the sequence. I then, once I was happy with the distance between them, pressed shift D to create the amount I needed at the same distance apart. All lights in the scene are area lights that I changed the colour of to give off the look and feel I wanted which includes the sunlight through the blinds, the RGB lights and the 2 main lights. The sofa is pretty much built with separate shapes with bevels and shape alterations using the select face then W key to move. I built the sofa in separate shapes to make it more realistic as a sofa is built that way in chunks with separations.
If I was to do this again I would have used my time more wisely as this was a timed project and I spent more time than I should on the duvet due to its difficulties of getting the shape to how I wanted it. As well as this I would look and learn more about the rendering aspects to the work such as AOVs to maximise the overall outcome of quality. In my opinion I thought the pillows came out well and are one of my favourite parts of the scene along with the sun light coming through the blinds.
These are my inspirations for my room and I used these photos as they are photos I took of my bedroom and things I can look at from different angles and perspectives to make the project slightly easy to model. It also made it easy to get a lighting reference seeing in person how the objects react to light and it also helped with the proportions. I decided to add an extra room for the wardrobe to separate the rooms and make it more realistic by filling up the space as the room dimensions I had to model are far bigger than my actual room. I also added two steps to raise the level of the bed and get some variation giving the room some volume.